1. Is a Wales where every child is hooked on sport for life;

Because Wales adopted a distinct Welsh approach and made the decision to give PE a higher status within the curriculum (as per Baroness Tanni Grey Thompson’s independent report). PE in 2050 is a quality, fun experience that doesn’t put children off for life. In fact, it is so good that young people are keen to take part in extra-curricular sport and within community sports clubs. Children are now equipped with the fundamental movement skills so have the confidence to enjoy sport into adulthood. The norm is to participate in sport three times a week or more, contributing to CMO guidelines.  Sports participation figures match the diversity and demographics of Wales. What’s more, the link between sports participation and educational attainment is an accepted fact in 2050 – our children are not only healthier, they are more successful.

2. Is a Wales which is active and healthy, which has led to a prudent and sustainable NHS.

In 2050, obesity rates are very low and the burden on the NHS has been considerably reduced because the sectors of sport and health in 2050 work interdependently. The two sectors came together to work collaboratively which led to GPs increasingly prescribing exercise and enforcing personal responsibility. By working together with the sports sector, the NHS redoubled its focus on good health, rather than sickness. Now, adult participation and sports volunteering is the norm. And what better way to ensure a healthy, sustainable and prosperous Wales than to participate in sport?

3. Is a Wales where winning is expected. We are internationally known as a nation that excels.

Because Sport Wales set out an ambitious and challenging pathway for elite sport. Now, in 2050, Wales is a Nation of Champions. Winning is expected and talent is nurtured. We’re a match for anyone and with the whole nation on our side, we are three million strong. For example, Wales is top of the table at Commonwealth Games on a per capita basis. The number of Welsh competitors competing and winning medals at the Olympics and Paralympic Games has increased with every Games cycle.  Success on the elite stage has given Wales huge self-confidence and has renewed our national identity. It has heightened Wales’ place in the world and its international profile and has made inward investment more attractive.

With an army of young ambassadors who are shaping sport for the future, Sport Wales is well placed to reach young people to gather their views and opinions as part of the national conversation around The Future Generations Bill.


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