National School Sport Week - Don't Miss Out

Its National School Sport Week from the 23 – 27th June; which no less than a month before the opening ceremony of Glasgow 2014 provides the perfect opportunity to rally support for Team Wales while getting your whole school active & taking part in lots of Commonwealth themed sports events.

One school that never fails to impress us with their activities during the week is Prestatyn High School in Denbighshire.  So as a bit of inspiration for everyone, Platinum YA, James Morgan caught up with the team at the school to find out about the types of activities they have provided in the past and why they have worked so well…

NSSW 2013 at Prestatyn High School

Over recent years, National School Sport Week has been a huge hit with the pupils of Prestatyn High School. Since 2011 the week has only grown in size, in terms of what goes on, the number of pupils who get involved and how much they enjoy the week.

In 2011 they had British sprinter Jamie Baulch visit the school.  He ran an assembly for pupils as well as running athletics taster sessions for everyone, before also visiting a local primary school. The whole week consisted of sports themed lessons, with outside community clubs visiting the school to give the pupils a taste of what they could get from each club.

Moving through from 2011 to 2012 Prestatyn High changed things up a little, this time with British athlete Daniel Caines, who joined the school for transition events with the local primary schools.  The activity was again a great success giving youngsters from across the region the chance to experience what really goes on in the PE department of Prestatyn High School (with the help of one the country’s top athletes of course). The school helped to coordinate the experience through a mini Olympics run by the PE department and the schools YAs.   

Then in 2013 things were a little different again in terms of what went on.  The week started with inter-house school games, before the whole school came together for an untraditional sports day.  They were also joined by the Sky Sports film crew to record a piece for their brand new show ‘Game Changers’, from which Prestatyn High School became the first school to feature on the show.  Inline Skating World Champion, Jenna Downing also made a visit to the school where she led the assembly and showed pupils what she does best. 

NSSW 2013 at Prestatyn High School

Last year National School Sport Week was a fantastic celebration of Prestatyn High School's appetite for sport and also their aim to get every child hooked on sport through a variety of activities. The showpiece untraditional sports day offered a new opportunity for every pupil, with a series of unique twists to the norm capturing the imaginations of all those involved. The whole nation also got the chance to view exactly what sport means to the people of the school as part of the Sky Sports show ‘Game Changers’.

Using such showcase events over the past few years has proven to be a hit with pupils and staff alike, many now appreciating the benefits and power of sport to inspire those less active to get involved not only in school but linking up with community clubs.

Having had successes over the past few years there's a definite desire from everyone at Prestatyn High School to use National School Sport Week to continue providing sports opportunities, but also to harness sport as a vehicle academically to tie in other curriculum subjects.

Prestatyn High School has really made the most of National School Sport Week over the years and obviously has seen the benefits from it.  I think every school should use the opportunity that the week provides to heighten the profile of school sport and get more pupils active – so go on, get planning!

If you needed any more persuasion, Youth Sport Trust are this year giving all schools in Wales who sign up and pledge to offer at least one hour of PE a day for the week, the chance to win a visit from an Olympic or Paralympic athlete*. 

So what are you waiting for – sign up is here -

*Sign up must be completed by 30th April.


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