Car park becomes a sports park!

So tonight a car park will transform into a sports park!

Newport’s Sports Development Team is launching the Park Square multi storey car park ‘Sports Park’.
The initiative is turning a floor of the multi-storey car park, located in the city centre area of Pillgwenlly and Stow Hill, into a ‘caged’ sports area for young people to attend free of charge.

It’s believed to be the first of its kind in Wales and creates an urban space in the heart of inner city Newport where there is a lack of affordable and accessible sports areas for young people to use; especially in the evenings. There are multi use games areas but many aren’t floodlit late enough, nor will they provide shelter on cold and wet nights.
The project is aimed at young people who do not have an interest or currently partake in sport with a club, but who want to participate with friends in a fun, street, and competitive environment. 

Pilot sessions have already proved popular with the Communities First Central Cluster of Newport.

Good luck to everyone involved!


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