Turning Wales Red, by Adam Fairbank

On Monday night, Sport Wales projected a new elite tag onto the walls of castles and lit Cardiff Bay red to celebrate 30 days to go to Glasgow 2014. Here’s a never seen before little film to remind you of what happened:

But, it wasn’t just to celebrate 30 days to go. As we find out in a Q&A with our Marketing Manager Adam Fairbank, there was a bit more to it than that…

So Adam what was all the castles business all about? It looked like it took a lot of organisation?

It was something we have never done before so there was plenty to organise. From regular meetings with partners such as CADW and the Wales Millennium Centre, to planning the logistics of completing the projections and working with PR colleagues to ensure we achieved maximum impact we were certainly kept busy. But it was definitely all worth it.

We were really pleased with the end result. We thought it would be a fun way to get the nation behind the team preparing for Glasgow. It’s the only chance we get to compete as Wales in a major multi-sport event so it’s a pretty big deal! To reflect that, we wanted to do something a little bit different that would get people talking and would build on our recent #poblwc2014 campaign. But it was also a chance for us to show the people of Wales the new elite brand that has been developed.

What’s the tag for? Is it a new Sport Wales logo?

When any team or individual performs on the international sporting stage we want them to feel that there are three million people behind them. This is a brand for the people of Wales to use. It’s not owned by Sport Wales but we’re here to help people make the most of it.

It’s not just for the Commonwealth Games team in Glasgow either. The brand is available for all our partners to use and there are already some great examples of how governing bodies and the Young Ambassadors are utilising the brand.

As an organisation, we were so inspired by how everyone came together and united behind London 2012. We wanted to replicate that feeling in Wales where we can all wear the tag with pride.

And we hear there’s some rather goosebumpy wording that sits behind the brand too?

There is. Often in Wales we talk about how we punch above our weight. But no more, we expect to win!

The following text has been put together to help unite us and show our athletes, whatever their sport, that the whole of Wales is rooting for them.

What we do next has the power to define us and the future of our nation. This is our time to follow in the footsteps of greatness.
We must all excel at our own individual sports. But never forget that we are of one team. We must stand together, we are stronger as one. Together we will achieve more and greater success.
And the team extends to the whole of our proud nation. A nation of three million people that stands beside us as we compete. Willing us on, expecting us to win.
Our backgrounds are as diverse as our sporting disciplines, but together we represent our great country.
We are all a part of something bigger, something special, no one of us is greater than the whole.
We are many.
We are one.
We are Team Wales.

Anything else in the pipeline?

We have more social media campaigns in the pipeline which my PR colleagues have been working on. They should roll out just before the Games – but I’d better not say too much at this stage! Just keep your eye on @sport_wales and #poblwc2014 and all will be revealed soon!



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